Liberty Emergency Radio Club
Liberty, Missouri
ARRL Ham Radio
Onsite Testing
Administered by ARRL VE’S of:
K C Northland ARES, Liberty ERC,
Clay County ARC & Platte County ARC
Are you ready to obtain a Ham Radio License? Do you have a license and want to upgrade it? If you answered yes to either question, press the “GET MY LICENSE” link below and get all the information you need to achieve your goal.

LERC Repeater
Yaesu Fusion DR-2X Wires-X Machine 50 Watts
- Callsign: KF0FPF
- Transmit: 444.275
- Receive: 449.275
- Tone: 151.4
- Offset +
- Wires-X Room 83019 Node: 73019
- Heliax ½” Coaxial Cable 75 feet
- Tower 50 FT
Liberty ERC Meeting
Glenaire Clubhouse And City Hall 309 Smiley Rd Liberty, MO 64068
Saturday 2025 9:00am – 11:00am
Please check the Calendar for more events.
Club Officers
President: Sheryl Gallagher Vice President: Herb Lance Membership Chair: Kaye Lance
Secretary/Treasurer: John Clapsaddle Activities Coordinator: Dale Marcell Engineer: Pete Greason